From various heterogeneous observations, determinate the all-element residual gravity field models outside geoid using SRBFs, to realize the unified modelling on regional gravity field and geoid. [Algorithm purpose] From a single type of observations selected from the residual gravity disturbance (mGal), height anomaly (m), gravity anomaly (mGal), disturbing gravity gradient (E, radial) ...
Calculate the Molodensky I corrections of the gravity anomalies or gravity disturbances on the boundary surface, thereby converting the Molodensky boundary value problem into a Stokes problem. From the ellipsoidal height grid of the boundary surface and the residual field element grid on the surface, compute the residual field element on or outside the geoid by the Poisson integral.
From the ellipsoidal height grid of equipotential surface and residual field element grid on the surface, compute the radial gradient (/km) of the field element on the surface by numerical integral.
From various heterogeneous geodetic variation time series, estimate load EWH variation and all-element load effect grid time series using SRBFs. Using heterogeneous geodetic variation time series as the observations and load Green's integral as geodynamic constraints, estimate the surface EWH and all-element load effect grid time series. From the residual height anomaly grid (m) , compute the residual gravity anomaly (mGal), gravity disturbance (mGal) and vertical deflection vector (ʺ, SW) on or outside the geoid.
zpmzsyzcy1968@163.com Dr. KE Baogui, kebaogui@casm.ac.cn Dr. WANG Wei, wangwei@casm.ac.cn Prof. JIANG Tao, jiangtao@casm.ac.cn Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping Beijing, 100036, China
From 2002 to 2005. Developed China's first underwater GPS positioning system as the technical leader. The research results were rated as the top ten scientific and technological progress in China in 2004. From 2009 to 2011. Presided over the research of China's national "863" project "Island Reef Surveying and Mapping Technology Integration and Demonstration". Designed and developed two sets of equipment, GPS laser ranging mobile non-contact locator and GPS close-range mobile information acquisition device, to solve the positioning and topographical measurement problems in inaccessible areas. From 2010 to 2011. Systematically proposed a coastline fine measure method in the remote sensing image stereo mapping environment based on the vertical datum control and the dual position constraints of the natural coastline and image waterline, then successfully solving the international problem of coastline measure. The research results have been widely used in coastal surveying and mapping. From 2008 to 2012. In response to the difficulties in the refinement of the coastal geoid, a set of complex multi-source gravity field data fusion theory and systematic algorithms were proposed. And then integrating terrestrial, airborne, shipborne, satellite and altimetric gravity data, refined the land-sea gravity field in China's coastal zone aera. The gravimetric geoid reached centimeter-level accuracy for the first time. From 2015 to Present. The principle and algorithm system of ground deformation field and time-varying gravity field monitoring in the CORS network area were proposed and systematically created. The research results have played an important role in the of land subsidence monitoring, height datum maintenance and geological disasters monitoring in some area of China such as the Three Gorges Reservoir area, Zhejiang province and Tianjing city region. In the past 20 years, has independently developed two sets of geophysical geodetic scientific calculation software, namely "Precise approach of local gravity field and geoid " PALGrav and "Solid earth tide and loading deformation field refinement" ETideLoad. Email: zhangchy@casm.ac.cn; zpmzsyzcy1968@163.com |