Integrated nearly 20 years of geodetic research results, the large scientific computing window platform for geophysical geodesy have been independently developed by Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, which is composed of PAGravf4.5 (Precise approach of Earth gravity field and geoid) and ETideLoad4.5 (Earth tide, load effect and deformation monitoring computation). Based on the purpose of public welfare, the scientific computing platform is committed to improving the scientific research and higher education environment lacking in such computing resources in the geoscience field, showing the attractive potential of geodesy, reconstructing the heterogeneous geodetic system and collaborative geodetic frame, improving the geodetic ability in solving practical problem by multi-disciplinary collaboration, and supporting the deep fusion of heterogeneous Earth observations and collaborative monitoring of multi-geotechnologies. ✍ Classroom Teaching, ✍ Self-Exercise, ✍ Science Research and ✍ Engineer Computing
The two software packages were developed by QT C++ (Visual C++) for the user interface, Intel Fortran (Fortran90, 132 Columns fixed format) for the core function modules, and mathGL C++ for the geodetic data file visualization in the Visual Studio 2017 x64 integrated environment. PAGravf4.5 is composed of nearly 50 win64 executable programs with more than 500 function modules, and ETideLoad4.5 is composed of more than 50 win64 executable programs with nearly 600 function modules. The scientific computing platform is suitable senior undergraduates, graduate students, scientific researchers, and engineering technicians in geodesy and geophysics, geology and geoscience, geomatics and geographic information, seismic and geodynamics, aerospace and satellite dynamics. You can design your own schemes and processes, then organize flexibly the related programs and functions, perform the scientific computations for geophycical geodesy. There are the example files saved in the folder C:\PAGravf4.5_win64en\examples and C:\ETideLoad4.5_win64en\examples for each Win64 program, espectively. Each example includes the operation process file process.txt, some input-output data files and screenshots. The folder name of the example files is the same as the name of the window executable program. Before the program to be used, it is recommended to run the program from the input-output example data files with comparing the screenshots and the process information in process.txt. It will take about 7 working days to complete all the example exercises for PAGravf4.5 or ETideLoad4.5. Thereafter, you can use the scientific computing platform alone. From the heterogeneous observation variation record time series , compute the groundwater variations and regional load deformation field all-element grid time series in the five steps.
From the observed terrestrial, marine and airborne gravity disturbances and GNSS-leveling data, make the all-element models on gravity field using SRBFs in six steps.
The remove-restore scheme combined the global load spherical harmonic coefficient synthesis and regional residual load SRBF approach is employed to compute high-resolution load deformation field.
From the Earth geopotential coefficient model and land-sea terrain model, the classical Bouguer gravity anomaly (disturbance) and isostatic gravity anomaly (disturbance) are calculated synchronousl...
The spatial domain integration algorithms based on boundary value theory and spectral domain radial basis function approach algorithms to realize the all-element analytical modelling on gravity field.
Compute and monitor the global and regional non-tidal load effects on all-element geodetic variations
The unified analytical algorithm system for various modes of terrain effects on different types of gravity field elements on or outside the geoid to synthesize various complex geodetic observations.
The solid Earth tidal, ocean tidal load, atmosphere tidal load, Earth's rotation polar shift, figure polar shift and mass centric variation effects on all-element geodetic variations.
Earth Tide, Load Effect and Deformation Monitoring Computation (ETideLoad4.5) is a large Windows program package for scientific computing of geophysical geodetic monitoring.
The basic principles, main methods and all the formulas in physical geodesy and Earth gravity field have been realized completely in PAGravf4.5 to imporve high education environment.